834 research outputs found

    On a new compactification of moduli of vector bundles on a surface, IV: Nonreduced moduli

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    The construction for nonreduced projective moduli scheme of semistable admissible pairs is performed. We establish the relation of this moduli scheme with reduced moduli scheme built up in the previous article and prove that nonreduced moduli scheme contains an open subscheme which is isomorphic to moduli scheme of semistable vector bundles.Comment: 20 pages, additions and removal

    Synthesis and characterization of ZnBTC-based MOFs: effect of solvents and salt

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    In this work, we studied the optimization of synthetic approaches to creating structurally modified metal-organic frameworks under various synthesis conditions. We investigated the influence of the various solvents and zinc salts on the structural characteristics of the metal-organic framework based on benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (H3BTC). The results indicate that the variation of the types of both solvent and salt is a parameter affecting the crystallinity, phase purity, and morphology of the metal-organic framework. This was confirmed by comprehensive structural characterization (SEM, EDX, PXRD)

    О подобии задач комбинаторной оптимизации и универсальности алгоритмов

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    Розглянуто властивість подібності, яка має місце в комбінаториці та комбінаторній оптимізації. Виявлено різноманітні ознаки, за якими вона визначається для задач, що відносяться до різних класів. Описано задачі комбінаторної оптимізації, які подібні за аргументом цільової функції, а в комбінаториці — за способом утворення та упорядкування комбінаторних конфігурацій. Завдяки цій властивості їхні множини генеруються одним і тим же алгоритмом або його модифікацією. Показано, що деякі задачі комбінаторної оптимізації, що відносяться до різних класів, розділяються на подібні підзадачі, які розв’язуються за однією обчислювальною схемою. Властивість подібності, яка характерна для задач цього класу, визначає їхню універсальність, завдяки якій вони розв’язуються за одним і тим же методом. Вивчення та використання цієї властивості в комбінаторній оптимізації в подальшому дозволить зводити нерозв’язні задачі до розв’язних.A property of similarity which takes place in combinatorics and combinatorial optimization is examined. The various signs, after which it is determined for problems, which belong to the different classes, are defined. The problems of combinatorial optimization, which are similar by the argument of objective function, and in combinatorics – by the method of formation and ordering of combinatorial configurations, are described. Due to this property their sets are generated by the same algorithm or its modification. It is shown that some combinatorial optimization problems, which belong to different classes are divided into similar subproblems that are solved by the same calculable scheme. The property of similarity, which is typical for this class of problems, determines their universality by which they are solved by the same method. A study and use of this property in the combinatorial optimization in the future will reduce the insoluble problems to the solvables.Рассмотрено свойство подобия, которое имеет место в комбинаторике и комбинаторной оптимизации. Выявлены различные признаки, по которым оно определяется для задач, относящихся к разным классам. Описаны задачи комбинаторной оптимизации, которые подобны по аргументу целевой функции, а в комбинаторике — по способу образования и упорядочения комбинаторных конфигураций. Благодаря этому свойству их множества генерируются одним и тем же алгоритмом или его модификацией. Показано, что некоторые задачи комбинаторной оптимизации, относящиеся к разным классам, разделяются на подобные подзадачи, решаемые по одной вычислительной схеме. Свойство подобия, которое характерно для задач этого класса, определяет их универсальность, благодаря которой они решаются одним и тем же методом. Изучение и использование этого свойства в комбинаторной оптимизации в дальнейшем позволит сводить неразрешимые задачи к разрешимым

    Features of the personality adaptability of medical students in different courses of study

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    The adaptability of personality of medical university students studying at different courses is investigated. Various approaches to the definition of the concept of personality adaptability are analysed, methods of its diagnosis are considered, the structure of the personal adaptability of medical students of all training courses is revealed. As a result of an empirical study it was revealed that the greatest deficiency in the structure of personality adaptability, characterized by a socio-oriented orientation, prevails in the first, second and fourth years. The adaptability of the personality of third-year students is in the zone of average values. Students of the fifth and sixth years of a medical university have the most harmoniously developed adaptability with the predominant characteristics of an autonomously oriented personality

    Peculiarities of the structure of personality adaptability of medical students studying on a budget basis

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    The article is devoted to the study of the features of the personal adaptability structure of 1st year students of a medical university studying on a budgetary basis. The concept of the phenomenon of adaptability is given, various approaches to understanding the structural components of adaptability are analyzed. The study used the method of Kolpakova L.M., which reveals the adaptive attitude of the individual to difficult situations, and the method of Maklakov A.G., which diagnoses the adaptive abilities of the individual. Based on the results of the study, conclusions were drawn about the deficiency of the level of reflective-evaluative, cognitive-emotional components of adaptability and the general level of adaptive abilities of this group of students. The analysis of the behavioral component of adaptability demonstrates the opposite result of its parameters; based on the results of the analysis of the motivational-semantic component, average indicators for both of its parameters were revealed. It has been established that the majority of respondents have signs of character accentuations with a tendency to behavioral reactions of a neurotic type, low emotional stability and signs of a socio-oriented personality orientation

    Экономный алгоритм нахождения средних минимальных расстояний

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    Let £o,..., £n be strings drawn from some finite alphabet. In this paper we describe an algorithm for finding mean minimum distances between strings io,..., £s for all s ^ n. The complexity of the algorithm is O(nm), where m is the length of strings.Пусть заданы n + 1 строк £0 ... , £n с символами из некоторого конечного алфавита. В работе предлагается алгоритм нахождения величин среднего значения fc-го минимального расстояния между строками £о,... , £s для всех значений

    Democratization in a passive dendritic tree : an analytical investigation

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    One way to achieve amplification of distal synaptic inputs on a dendritic tree is to scale the amplitude and/or duration of the synaptic conductance with its distance from the soma. This is an example of what is often referred to as “dendritic democracy”. Although well studied experimentally, to date this phenomenon has not been thoroughly explored from a mathematical perspective. In this paper we adopt a passive model of a dendritic tree with distributed excitatory synaptic conductances and analyze a number of key measures of democracy. In particular, via moment methods we derive laws for the transport, from synapse to soma, of strength, characteristic time, and dispersion. These laws lead immediately to synaptic scalings that overcome attenuation with distance. We follow this with a Neumann approximation of Green’s representation that readily produces the synaptic scaling that democratizes the peak somatic voltage response. Results are obtained for both idealized geometries and for the more realistic geometry of a rat CA1 pyramidal cell. For each measure of democratization we produce and contrast the synaptic scaling associated with treating the synapse as either a conductance change or a current injection. We find that our respective scalings agree up to a critical distance from the soma and we reveal how this critical distance decreases with decreasing branch radius

    Effect of nitric acid modification of montmorillonite clay on synthesis of solketal from glycerol and acetone

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    [EN]The effect of acid modification of a natural montmorillonite clay (MM) by HNO3 on the catalytic properties of MM from Dash-Salakhlinsk (Kazakhstan) has been investigated in the synthesis of solketal from glycerol and acetone in solvent free and acetonitrile media. HNO3 concentration allowed to control the chemical composition, the surface acidity, the porous structure of the acid-activated MMs and their catalytic performance. The main reaction product was solketal with 86.6–98% selectivity. Conversion of glycerol depended on the Brønsted acidity. The most active sample, namely, MM activated with 0.5 mol/dm3 HNO3, showed good reusability for 3 catalyst cycle